
Comodo CA 更名為 Sectigo

On 1 November 2018 our SSL certificate vendor, Comodo CA (Certification Authority) changed its company and brand name to Sectigo CA.

What is changing?

  • Company and brand name
  • Trustlogo image and snippet
  • The new Comodo site address is sectigo.com. SSL DCV and validation messages will eventually be sent from email addresses at sectigo.com.

This change does not affect functionality of the existing SSL certificates or the certificates that are going to be issued. Please find more information below.


Should I do anything with my active Comodo CA certificate?
No. There is no need to reissue or reinstall your SSL certificate.

Will Comodo CA be displayed as the certificate issuer in users' web browsers?
Yes. Comodo CA will remain as the Certificate Authority shown in browsers until the new Root and Intermediate Certificates are established under the new name.

Will legacy Comodo CA trusted Roots and Intermediate certificates remain trusted?
Yes. Comodo Root and Intermediate certificates will remain trusted until their expiration date.

I am using Comodo TrustLogo. Should I update it?
Yes, feel free to update the TrustLogo following these instructions.

I am reselling SSL certificates from you. Should I change anything in the process?
No. The API specification remains the same after the rebranding.

Will the SSL products change?
No. The SSL products represented at ZTABOX will have the same name and features on the site and API.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact our Support Team.